For weeks I have only been able to view Instagram on the surface, and only for 3 pages per session. A special app is required for my own account or to open the pages, but I cannot install it on my system. So for me Instagram is almost dead.
If I want to look at tweeds, Twitter first pops up a message above the page, which I have to click away first to be able to read there. If I want to follow the hyperlinks on Twitter directly or open the "read on" function, Twitter blocks this, which forces me to open the links in another tab.
If I want to post something here on Blogger, the HTML version get opened by default, which I first have to laboriously exit with several clicks to get to the editor view. The font has been made so small by default that it is bad on smartphones to read, so I have to increase it each time by hand.
My attempt to change these basic standards was blocked when I called the help function, which cannot be opened.
At times, working here on the blog is as tough as moving around in syrup.
So a sabotage of my blogging by means of many small difficulties that add up ugly.