Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2020

Commitment: Sex only with the perspective of a long-term relationship

Like almost everyone, you are looking for a partner for life, not just for a few nights. So, sex with a professional would be an artificial, false constellation - and don't forget the price tag and trophy character. 

You can recognize the wrong direction of intentions from the excessive age difference: the younger, the more attractive, but the less likely a long-term partnership.

Formerly it used to be said: a woman gives sex to get love, a man gives love to get sex. Today, both are probably true for both sides.

It should also be clear: the more it is about sex and less about love, the better the body and mind has to be in good shape, because you are and remain on your own, no partner there to compensate for your weaknesses, and vice versa.The worse the body is in good shape, the more important the emotional part of love becomes. And then we're back to the headline.