Sonntag, 6. Dezember 2020

Don't switch off the 'Volksempfänger'? [modified 22.01.20]

In the evenings I often switch from free TV (resp. compulsory fees broadcaster) to free radio, because free TV is usually just crap. Netflix or similar I don't have.                                                                          Above all, I want to hear good music on the radio, because if I want information I go Internet. So apart from the announcements and cancellations of the music being played, I don't really want to hear any moderation. I also think that the reception of radio presenters should be filtered in a similar way to how you only let family members and good friends into your living room for hours. 

If people are having conversations in your living room, you can ask questions and bring in your opposing opinion, but if the moderators are telling things on the radio while you are working in the kitchen, for example, you may not even be able to think about it, so things can go unchecked anchor in your mind. Recently, while zapping through, I heard two moderators claim that we immediately evaluate/judge everything we hear and see, there is no other way, we would subconsciously judge/evaluate everything that our senses capture. I disagreed and switched off. If I had heard the show on the side, I would probably have saved the moderators' claim as truth inwardly. If we listen to the radio every day and by the way and for hours at the same time we get mentally formatted in the same way, and maybe with things we disagree with, if we would think about. I don't like that and that's why I only rarely and specifically listen to German radio stations. Did I really forget to mention that: Music to my taste is not played by default on any of the ~100(?) German radio stations. So I often listen to the music of foreign radio stations whose moderation I usually do not understand, which is not unpleasant. 

I don't want to talk the German radio stations worse than they are. I owe my perhaps most important and most beautiful multicultural musical awakening experiences in my youth to German radio! By multicultural I also mean the so-called Austro-Pop (Austria, not Australia), which I liked a lot better than the German Popmusic - even better than the NDW, which could be pretty cheeky, fast and funny. There is of course a very large musical range of the local radio stations, but only in small doses and spread over a long period of time - anyone who catches some of these musical gems has had radio luck.

My avoidance of German radio stations apparently displeases the monitorer / surveillancer, because since a few evenings the reception has often been disturbed by regularly intermitted interruptions preventing listening pleasure. When that first happened here a few evenings ago, I thought of snowfall as the cause - but there were no visible impairments. Because the German broadcasters are not affected and it has already happened again, I assume that it is  targeted sabotage. I also had these disturbances in the same constellation in another city. I use very few electrical devices, have a different antenna and receiver, so the interference is almost certainly not coming from my own household.                                                            That might seem harmless, but the pressure to listen to German radio stations reminds me of the obligation during the Nazi era on listening exclusively to the 'Volksempfänger'. I will hopefully record the next such disturbances as audible clue.