Dienstag, 25. Mai 2021

Blacklensing = Blackfacing / kind of cargo-cult

 "Blacklensing" is my own word creation; I'm astonished that this term doesn't already exist, because the phenomenon seems to be a trend.

My personal opinion on blackfishing is, if you love the forms and expressions of an other ethnic group, you have every right in the world to make them part of your being. However, if you fake and copy by artificial, unnatural means and without respect, mind or wit, in order to deceive others, I think it's reprehensible and blackfishing = blackfacing.

Gradually I seem to be getting practice in recognizing when dark-eyed media women are actually light-eyed and wear colored contact lenses.
There seems to be a habitus of light-eyed women that does not fit dark-eyed women, or vice versa. In any case, it astonishs me how many media women make their eye color darker or brighter with colored contact lenses. In view of the fact that men seem to prefer to compliment women’s eyes, and women seem to like to hear that too, this trend should perhaps not surprise me that much, but on the other hand I am disappointed that cheating is taking place in such an important area. Partly because it reveals a lack of self-esteem in women, but also a lack of respect for really dark-eyed women - a kind of "blackfacing" resp "blackfishing" and kind of cargo-cult.