Sonntag, 2. Mai 2021

I find it now stupid to say: someone is privileged because of white skin colour

I think of the conditions in Nazi Germany: Million Jews and system opponents were white and were discriminated and murdered without hesitation by whites.

It always depends on the context. Somewhere you are privileged as a black, somewhere you are privileged as a white. In our globalized world, whites are probably in the minority. China with 1 billion non-white inhabitants is soon at eye level with the USA. Anyone as a white victim who hears to be privileged, alone because of white skin color feels a further time as a victim. Undisputed shows the history of humanity that blacks were underprivileged. This should lead to respect and responsibility for this problem.

You are privileged because you are: part of the secret service, a spy, a surveillancer, slim, tall young, healthy, eloquent, intelligent, educated, studied, pretty, have full hair, beautiful teeth, skin tanned by the sun, a lot of money, a famous name, a famous origin, many acquaintances, an athletic body, as a man many muscles, a vibrant voice ...